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海南榄仁(Terminalia nigrovenulosa Pierre)又称鸡尖、鸡占,是使君子科使君子属的落叶乔木树种,为一类商品材树种,材质坚硬,变形小而不开裂,材色黄棕,心边材区分不明显、纹理美观,耐腐并耐海水浸渍,是优良的造船、桥梁、车辆、建筑、家具等优良用材。银盏林场于1976年从海南引进海南榄仁进行试种,现保存46株,自2005年开始对活立木进行物候观察,2008年进行树干解析,绘出树高生长曲线和树干纵断面图,计算各龄阶的胸径、树高和材积的总生长量和材积生长率。从试验林保存活立木的调查分析,海南榄仁在引种地表现较强的适应性,能开花结实,2010年进行的林下自然更新调查发现,种子在试验林下可自然发芽成苗,形成更新层,表明该树种能适应当地的气候条件,在清远银盏的引种已经成功,今后可作为珍贵用材树种在清远市南部地区及以南的广东南部区域内人工造林。
关键词:   海南榄仁 引种试验 活立木解析 物候 银盏林场
Living Trees Investigation and Analysis of Terminalia nigrovenulosa Cultivatied in Yinzhan Tree Farm
Terminalia nigrovenulosa Pierre ,also called Jijian or Jizhan, a kind of deciduous tree of Combretaceae Quisqualis is a first-rate commodity timber tree, having hard material, hardly out shape without cracking, yellowish-brown wood color, invisible duramen with beautiful veins, resistance to corrosion and sea water immersion. It is an excellent timber for shipbuilding, bridge, vehicle, construction, furniture and so on. Terminalia nigrovenulosa Pierre was introduced from Hainan in 1976 by Yinzhan tree farm and now with 46 trees survived that have experienced phenological observation since 2005 and stem analysis in 2008 that help to draw the height growth curves and the trunks longitudinal section diagrams, and calculate the DBH, tree height, total growth and growth rate of the timber volume at each age gradation. Terminalia nigrovenulosa Pierre in the introduction area can blossom and bear fruit with strong adaptability according to the investigation and analysis of surviving timber in trial forestry where the seeds can germinate into seedling naturally to form the regeneration layer based on the 2010 survey of the natural forest regeneration. The results indicate its great adaptability to the local climatic conditions as a successful introduction in Yinzhan Qingyuan and the great value in artificial plantations in the southern part of Qingyuan and the south region of Guangdong province in the future.
Key words:   Terminalia nigrovenulosa, cultivation testing, living trees analysis, phenophase, Yinzhan tree farm