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杨晓慧, 徐放, 杨会肖, 廖焕琴, 张卫华, 陈新宇, 潘文
红锥 Castanopsis hystrix 是我国华南地区最重要的珍贵阔叶树种之一,具有重要的经济与生态 效益。随着种植规模的不断扩大,壮苗培育越来越受到重视。文章以椰糠、泥炭土、珍珠岩为基础基质, 以黄心土为对照,比较 16 种不同配比基质配方下红锥苗木的生长性状与根系指标,结果显示:轻基质配 方 11(泥炭土 : 椰糠 : 珍珠岩 =5:3:2),1(泥炭土 : 椰糠 : 珍珠岩 =10:0:0),13(泥炭土 : 椰糠 : 珍珠岩 =4:4:2)的苗高、地径、根长及细根分枝等指标明显高于以黄心土为栽培基质的苗木,且这几类基质的壮 苗指数均显著高于对照黄心土(P < 0.05),说明这几类轻基质配方在提高苗木质量方面具有显著效果。
关键词:   红锥;育苗基质;根系指标;壮苗指数
基金项目:红锥重大研发2016YFD0600606 省科技厅红锥重大项目2020B020215002
Selection of Elite Substrates for Castanopsis hystrix Seedling
yangxiaohui, xu fang, yang huixiao, liao huanqin, zhang weihua, chen xinyu, panwen
Guangdong Academy of Forestry
Castanopsis hystrix is one of the most important and precious broad-leaved tree species in South China, which has important economic and ecological benefits. With the expansion of planting, the cultivation of strong seedlings has received more and more attentions. In this study, by comparing the growth traits and root indexes of C. hystrix seedlings under 16 different matrix formulations using coconut coir, peat soil, and perlite as the basic substrate, and the yellow soil as the control, providing technical support for the cultivation of C. hystrix seedlings. The results showed that the seedling height, ground diameter, root length, and fine root branches in formula 11 (peat soil : coconut coir : perlite=5:3:2), formula1 (peat soil : coconut coir : perlite=10 : 0 : 0), and formula 13 (peat soil : coconut bran : Perlite=4:4:2) were much higher than those in yellow soil, and the seedling index of these types of substrates were significantly higher than the control (P <0.05), indicating that these formulas had significant effects in improving the quality of seedlings.
Key words:   Castanopsis hystrix; substrate; root index; seedling index